Source code for octopus.main

"""Implementation of injector fluid dynamics classes.

from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Sequence, Iterable

import numpy as np
from CoolProp import AbstractState
from CoolProp.CoolProp import PropsSI

[docs]class Fluid: """Represents a fluid.""" def __init__(self, name: str): """Initiate a Fluid instance. :param ID: id of fluid """ = name self.state = AbstractState('HEOS', name)
[docs] def rhol(self, T: Iterable): return [PropsSI('D', 'T', t, 'Q', 0, if (182.23 < t < 309.52) else None for t in T]
[docs] def rhog(self, T: Iterable): return [PropsSI('D', 'T', t, 'Q', 1, if (182.23 < t < 309.52) else None for t in T]
[docs] def psat(self,T:Iterable): return [PropsSI('P', 'Q', 0.5, 'T', t, if (182.23 < t < 309.52) else None for t in T]
[docs] def hl(self, T: Iterable): return [PropsSI('H', 'T', t, 'Q', 0, if (182.23 < t < 309.52) else None for t in T]
[docs] def hg(self, T: Iterable): return [PropsSI('H', 'T', t, 'Q', 1, if (182.23 < t < 309.52) else None for t in T]
[docs] def sl(self, T: Iterable): return [PropsSI('S', 'T', t, 'Q', 0, if (182.23 < t < 309.52) else None for t in T]
[docs] def sg(self, T: Iterable): return [PropsSI('S', 'T', t, 'Q', 1, if (182.23 < t < 309.52) else None for t in T]
[docs]class PropertySource: """An object to provide a constant pressure and temperature as a parent object for a :class:`Manifold`. The user may create their own property source class, by extending :class`PropertySource`, and modifying the current :meth:`p` and :meth:`T` methods.""" def __init__(self, p: float = 101325, T: float = 298): """Initialise :class`PropertySource` object with constant pressure and temperature to supply to manifold fluid. :param p: pressure (Pa) :param T: temperature (K) """ self._p = p self._T = T @property def p(self): return self._p @property def T(self): return self._T def __repr__(self): print(f'PropertySource: p = {self._p}, T = {self._T}')
[docs]class Manifold: """Represent a propellant manifold, at least one :class:`Fluid` input and one :class:`Orifice` output. If a user wishes to model losses within the manifold, they may extend this class and add the required computing into the :meth:`Manifold.p` and :meth:`Manifold.T` functions. """ def __init__(self, fluid: str, parent: PropertySource): """Initialise :class:`Manifold` object with a working fluid and property parent. :param fluid: :class:`Fluid` object to use EOS functions from :param parent: :class:`PropertySource` object to get p and T from """ self.fluid = fluid self.parent = parent self.chi = 0 @property def p(self): return self.parent.p @property def T(self): return self.parent.T
[docs]class Orifice: """Represent a propellant orifice on the injector plate, at least one :class:`Manifold` input.""" STRAIGHT = 0 CAVITATING = 1 def __init__(self, manifold: Manifold, L: float, D: float, orifice_type: int = 0, Cd: float = 0.7): """Initialise :class:`Orifice` object. :param manifold: :class:`Manifold` to get fluid EOS and properties from :param L: orifice length (m) :param D: orifice diameter (m) :param orifice_type: :attr:`STRAIGHT` (default) or :attr:`CAVITATING` :param Cd: discharge coefficient = 0.7 """ # manifold holds fluid info self.manifold = manifold self.orifice_type = orifice_type self.L = L self.D = D self.A = 0.2 * np.pi * self.D ** 2 self.Cd = Cd # defines default Orifice.m_dot(p1) function self.m_dot = self.m_dot_dyer
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def m_dot_SPI(self, p1: float): """Return single-phase-incompressible mass flow rate. :param p1: combustion chamber pressure (Pa) :return: mass flow rate (kg/s) """ if self.orifice_type == self.STRAIGHT: # find initial conditions # T0,p0 known p0 = self.manifold.p T0 = self.manifold.T fluid = self.manifold.fluid # check pressure drop if p0 < p1: return None rho0 = PropsSI('D', 'T', T0, 'P', p0, fluid) # compute mass flow return self.A * np.sqrt(2 * rho0 * (p0 - p1)) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Orifice type "{self.orifice_type}" not implemented')
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def m_dot_HEM(self, p1: float): """Return homogeneous-equilibrium-model mass flow rate. :param p1: combustion chamber pressure (Pa) :return: mass flow rate (kg/s) """ if self.orifice_type == self.STRAIGHT: # find initial conditions # p0,T0 known p0 = self.manifold.p T0 = self.manifold.T fluid = self.manifold.fluid # check for pressure drop if p0 < p1: return None # retrieve enthalpy and entropy h0 = PropsSI('H', 'T', T0, 'P', p0, fluid) s0 = PropsSI('S', 'T', T0, 'P', p0, fluid) # set final conditions # p1, s1 known p1 = p1 s1 = s0 # compute isentropic flash expansion rho1 = PropsSI('D', 'P', p1, 'S', s1, fluid) h1 = PropsSI('H', 'P', p1, 'S', s1, fluid) # check decrease in enthalpy if h1 > h0: return None # compute mass flow return self.A * rho1 * np.sqrt(h0 - h1) else: return NotImplementedError(f'Orifice type "{self.orifice_type}" not implemented')
[docs] @lru_cache(maxsize=1) def m_dot_dyer(self, P_cc: float): """Return Dyer model mass flow rate. :param P_cc: combustion chamber pressure (Pa) :return: mass flow rate (kg/s) """ p0 = self.manifold.p T0 = self.manifold.T p1 = P_cc fluid = self.manifold.fluid pv = PropsSI('P', 'Q', 0.5, 'T', T0, fluid) kappa = np.sqrt((p0 - p1) / (pv - p1)) W = 1 / (1 + kappa) if not (self.m_dot_SPI(P_cc) and self.m_dot_HEM(P_cc)): return None return self.Cd * ((1 - W) * self.m_dot_SPI(P_cc) + W * self.m_dot_HEM(P_cc))
[docs]class Element: """Represent an injector element, at least one :class:`Orifice` input""" def __init__(self, o_orifices: Sequence[Orifice], f_orifices: Sequence[Orifice]): self.o_orifices = o_orifices self.f_orifices = f_orifices
[docs] def of_ratio(self, p: float): m_dot_o = 0 for o in self.o_orifices: m = o.m_dot(p) if m: m_dot_o += m else: return None m_dot_f = 0 for f in self.f_orifices: m = f.m_dot(p) if m: m_dot_f += m else: return None return m_dot_o / m_dot_f